The Splendor Family Reunion DVD


This nearly four-hour DVD encapsulates never before enjoyed images, sounds and visuals. It is filled with testimonials and remembrances of things long forgotten. It is a lifelong enduring keepsake. It is all about special young people reaching for the stars and then becoming one who ultimately lead wise men to the place where they find the living Christ.
Their raw, pure joy fills this DVD until it truly overflows. This is simply a collector’s treasure. Only a very limited number are now available to our friends; offered lovingly by the thousands who over 60 years ago literally changed the face of Contemporary Christian music.
Remembering the unforgettable.



This is a once in a lifetime documentary…the 60th Anniversary Family Reunion Celebration of Splendor Productions.
It all started in a little town in upstate New York. I was the second son of a country preacher. Growing up I had all the childhood diseases, including polio, from which the doctor said I would like never recover. But a miracle believing Mom and a healing Jesus had other plans…a year later there were no signs that polio ever existed.
In my early twenties I encountered the incredible Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians. During their 2-hour show I simply asked myself and God this question, “Why doesn’t someone do this in Gospel Music?” No one did…so I put my life, my fortune and my sacred honor on the line…and did it!
After several successful church worship leader positions, I became Musical Director of Youth for Christ International. Following my years of creating music at YFCI it was time to embark on a brand-new musical odyssey. Starting with a couple dozen of the most talented musicians and singers and a $300 old school bus we hit the road…ultimately making music around the world. This is their story.


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